Sustainability Approach
This Sustainability Statement describes the Group’s commitment towards improving its sustainability practices while also considering the concerns of stakeholders. By
focusing on sustainability, the Group focuses and highlights more on economic, environmental and social (“EES”) risks to strengthen the local economy, safeguard natural
resources and strengthen its bond with the community.

In line with United Nations Agenda and 17 United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (“SDGs”), the Group has adopted these goals as part of our sustainability
journey. We have identified six United Nations SDGs which have a direct impact on the Group in terms of risk and opportunity over the long term.
100% Eco-Friendly Tissue Paper
NTPM continues to promote the use of recycled fiber our procurement strategy for sourcing/purchasing of recycled fiber also stated that the fiber material is 100% derived
from recycled sources with a minimum 50% from post-consumer sources. In FY2022, 100% of wood pulp procured by NTPM is certified by recognised forest management
In the continuous effort to make a Greener Environment and Society, NTPM has conducted many awareness campaigns to the public on the importance of using EcoFriendly Tissue Paper (recycled paper). In the process of making Eco-Friendly Tissue Paper, we actively promote the usage of 50% post-consumer waste-recovered fiber.
By owning the largest wood fiber storage warehouses in Malaysia, which collectively measure 15,000 Sq Meter, we signify our intention to collect and store of used office
- Source of recycled paper
- Post Consumer
- Pre Consumer
- We collaborate and work closely with all the major waste paper collectors in Malaysia and
industrial printers.

To A Greener Environment

Energy Conservation
Managing energy efficiency represents one of the biggest opportunities for us to reduce our environmental impact and lower our operating costs.
The main source of energy consumption of our manufacturing plant is electricity. We have taken the initiative to explore the use of renewable
energy such as solar energy. Currently, the installed 4.5-MegawattGrid Connected Photovoltaic (GCPV) is for our own consumption and is
contributing positively to the reduction in our environmental impact and our operating costs.
As the leading tissue supplier in Malaysia, the Group is putting in tremendous continuous efforts to reduce its energy consumption and to increase
the energy efficiency of its tissue machines. We believe that there are opportunities throughout the business to be more energy efficient.

Water Management
Besides energy consumption, NTPM also focuses on effectively reducing water consumption. Over the years, NTPM has constantly upgraded
its internal water recycling process system. This is to ensure the quality of the discharged water meets/ or exceeds regulatory environmental

NTPM’s Progression towards SDGs
Material Matters
Five-year Targets
Progress in FY2023
United Nations SDGs
100% of procured wood pulp to be certified by
recognised forest management standards
100% of procured recycled fiber are derived from
recycled sources with a minimum 50% from post-consumer sources
In FY2023, 100% certified by recognised forest
management standards
In FY2023, average 99.20% from recycled sources
with a minimum 50% from post-consumer sources.

Not exceed 1000 kg of CO2e per ton of paper,
according to ECNZ standard
In FY2023, average 887 kg of CO2e per ton of paper

Water Management
Malaysia operation: To reduce water usage to 50M3
per ton of tissue pape
Vietnam operation: To reduce water usage to 20M3
ton of tissue paper
In FY2023, average 58M3 per ton of tissue paper
In FY2023, average 18.01M3 per ton of tissue paper